Monday, April 26, 2010

Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) Hearing Aids

Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are the smallest size of hearing aids, practically invisible to an observer. Custom designed to fit the wearer's ear, CIC hearing aids fit deep inside the ear canal and most closely resemble the natural hearing process.

CIC designates a size of hearing aids, but does not describe the circuit inside the shell. CIC instruments can have conventional, programmable analog, or digital technology housed within their tiny casing.

CIC hearing aids are meant for people with ear canals large enough to accommodate the insertion depth of the device into the ear and for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. They are usually not recommended for people with dexterity problems because they are very small instruments with tiny batteries.


CIC instruments are the smallest size available, nearly invisible, so they are cosmetically appealing.

CIC hearing aids provide a close placement of the receiver (speaker) to the eardrum, which gives sound a natural boost in loudness.

The microphone of a CIC instrument sits in your ear canal, simulating natural sound reception.


CIC instruments are slightly more expensive than conventional in-the-ear hearing aids.

CIC hearing aids are not suitable for persons suffering from severe to profound hearing loss.

This size is rarely recommended for children because CIC instruments are custom fit, and a child's ear is continually growing. Also, the hard plastic case of the hearing aid may prove uncomfortable for children.

There is not an option of manual volume control on a CIC instrument, unless it is a tiny screw-set volume control.
CIC instruments require a very small battery which can be difficult to place.

Due to the closeness of the microphone and receiver in a CIC hearing aid, there is a greater chance of feedback.

CIC instruments can be more susceptible to damage from earwax when compared to a larger size instrument.

CIC hearing aids have a higher repair rate compared to other hearing aid sizes.

Hearing aid batteries Size

Battery sizes
CIC=5 or 10
Canal=10 or 312

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

HearingSoft is a information of Hearing aid and its types and Ear Loss and accessories device that can amplify sound waves in order to help a deaf or hard-of-hearing person hear sounds more clearly.

Monday, April 19, 2010

BTE (Behind the Ear) Hearing Aids - Confused?

Behind-the-ear hearing aids or simply BTE are becoming increasingly popular these days. As are the three letter acronyms, I swear most people just make them up as they go along. The reason they are so popular is mainly because of their simple nature and the way they comfortably fit behind an individual's ear, regardless what the shape and size of their ear is. They are suitable for people of any age, they're often the choice for children due to their simplicity. The circuitry of this hearing aid is housed within a case that fits behind the ear. There are other reasons for their popularity as well, for example they are able to accommodate a larger battery and a bigger amplifier than the smaller in-ear hearing aids.

BTE hearing aids are suitable for any level of hearing impairment and all types of hearing losses an individual suffers from. You can consult an audiologist to determine what kind of hearing aid would suit you the best. BTE hearing aids are more powerful and less expensive than the in-ear hearing aids because they can use older technology. BTE hearing aids normally come with a plastic protective case. They fit behind the ear, and so they are not completely unnoticeable, but because of their un-rivaled ease-of-use they are extremely popular, especially for children.

There are some drawbacks of wearing Behind the Ear hearing aids, firstly they are not completely invisible. This is quite an important thing to consider for most people, as some people see wearing a hearing aid as strange. If the aid is not professionally and properly installed then the wearer may experience some feedback or echo when using BTE aids. Hearing aids if set incorrectly can also pick up too much noise, however this is a problem with all hearing aids really.

BTE hearing aids are available in both digital and analog flavors. Usually the digital ones are more expensive due to the increased range of features that they are able to offer. Digital hearing aids are easy to use and can be programmed for any kind of environment. Some analog hearing aids also come with programmable chips and can be programmed with more than one setting, but you need to operate them manually.

If your kids have hearing problems, BTE hearing aids are an excellent alternative to in-ear hearing aids that are comparatively difficult to use. The BTE hearing aids have a piece that fits inside your ear, this can be custom molded so that it is a perfect fit. The hearing aids can be customized to match hair and skin tones, as to increase the invisibility. Children's ears change as they grow up, the BTE hearing aids ear piece can be replaced multiple times, so it always fits their ear.

The modern variety of BTE hearing aids are smaller and made according to your exact requirements. They are less visible than their predecessors, and are actually state of the art pieces of equipment. Because of their size they are able to be much more powerful than most in-ear aids, and so most audiologists recommend them for any kind of hearing loss. There can be many models of a BTE depending on your needs and the severity of your problem. Your audiologist will tell you exactly what kind of a hearing aid you require and how long you could expect it to last before you would have to look at replacing it.

HAND, no it means have a nice day. I told you I was going to start making them up!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Repair the Washing Machine Drain Hose

Having problems with your washing machine because the drain hose does not drain? This is one of the most common washing machine problems one can encounter whenever the washer breaks down. Many factors can cause this breakage and age is one of them.

If your washing machine continues to fill itself with water and you can hear the sound of the motor, then it indicates that the washer belt is still functioning properly.

Whenever a drain hose stopped working, there are only two reasons - either the drain hose is faulty or the pump in the washing machine has gone something wrong. In this article, we will share with you what you can do to fix this problem.

First Step

You need to inspect the washing machine lid to find out whether is broken. You can make use of a pencil or a long pointed object to poke against the lid button.

Second Step

Check whether the hose is attached to the pipe hole. If that is the case, unattached it.

Third Step

Choose a replacement hose. Two main types of hose are available. You can either choose the reinforced rubber or the sturdier and newer type - stainless-steel reinforced.

Fourth Step

Turn off the source of the water supply. Remember to unplug the electrical plug for safety reason. There are 3 hoses and you need to disconnect them to do the replacement. You need a monkey wrench tool, pipe wrench and a normal plier to help do the job here. Be careful of the water dripping from these hoses.

Final Step

After you have removed the hose from the washing machine, it's time to replace the old with the new hose. This is a much easier step. Apply a little grease on the faucet and connector and make sure the rubber fits in directly into the hose connector. Complete the job with the hose connector. Take note to not avoid twisting the hose when you setup for new hose. Try to leave some gap behind the washer and wall for the hose.

Ears and Hearing - 7 Myths Debunked!

Myth: To clean my ears, only cotton swabs, keys, or my fingers work

Truth: Do not put anything in your ear that is smaller than your elbow

Many people think that ears must be cleaned like our bodies to remain healthy. While ears do need to be kept clean, they actually clean themselves. How? The skin of the ear canal (cerumen) migrates outward and acts as a protector of the delicate eardrum. Many times, prodding, poking, or picking at this material pushes it back in, causing blockage and potential temporary hearing loss - or even accidental puncture of the eardrum. In that event, a serious injury to the hearing bones can result in the need for emergency surgery.

And if itchy ears are often incorrectly relieved using cotton swabs the repeated scratching can cause a thickening of the ear canal, much like a callous. This pushes wax even deeper into the ear canal.

But some ear canals don't remove the wax like they are supposed to - they are too narrow, so the natural cleaning process cannot do its job. In this case, ear wax accumulates. So how do you know if your ears are cleaning themselves properly?

If your ears are not clean, they may feel gummy and you may be tempted to grab that cotton swab or key. And if wax completely obstructs your ear canal, you may experience hearing loss. But don't take matters into your own hands! Visit your ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor, who can safely remove the wax build-up.

But if you want to try alleviating the wax at home, gently clean the outer portion of your ear canal with a wet washcloth. If your ear still feels blocked, you should call your doctor and have the cerumen removed.

The next best thing is to gently irrigate the ear canal with 3% hydrogen peroxide, using a small rubber ear syringe. Then dry the ear canal with a hair dryer set on a medium temperature; hot temperatures can cause temporary dizziness due stimulation of the balance canals.

Myth: If my ear hurts, I must have an infection

Truth: Pain is usually caused by something less severe

One major cause of ear pain is inflammation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ joint lies adjacent to the ear canal. Because of this close proximity, many of the same pain nerves are shared.

Swimmer's ear (External Otitis) is another common cause of ear pain. It's the result of the ear canal becoming and staying wet. This warm, wet, and dark environment is the perfect place for bacteria and fungus to live and multiply, causing an infection.

Another cause of ear pain is otitis media, an infection in the middle ear. This infection occurs after an upper respiratory infection reaches the middle ear, via the Eustachian tube.

Neuralgia, an inflammation of the nerves around the ear, can cause excruciating pain that feels like jabbing or stabbing inside the ear.

So how do you know what's causing your ear pain?

TMJ is indicated if you press on the jaw joint while opening and closing the mouth and its hurts or is tender. A swimmer's ear infection may be your problem if gently pulling on your outer ear hurts.

Otitis media and neuralgia are generally accompanied by sharper pain originating deeper in your ear. Otitis media is normally accompanied by pus draining into your ear canal through a perforation in the ear drum.

By now you're wondering, Can I treat any of these problems myself?

Although TMJ inflammation should be managed by a dentist, you can temporarily relieve the discomfort by eating a soft diet; placing a warm heating pad on the affected jaw joint twice daily; or by taking anti-inflammatory medications. But if the pain still persists after a few days of home treatment, you must consult a dentist that specializes in TMJ pain.

Swimmer's ear can be prevented by filling the ear canals with rubbing alcohol after every swim. Let it site for a couple of minutes, then draining the alcohol and dry your ears with a hair dryer set on medium temperature. Once swimmer's ear infection occurs there can be a tendency for recurrence when the ear gets wet. Then it is even more important to treat your ears with alcohol after each and every swim.

If your pain is significant and comes from deep in your ear, you should seek treatment by an ENT doctor right away. Using special instruments, your doctor will clean the ear canal and prescribe antibiotics (either drops or oral medication) to eliminate any infection.

Myth: Popping my ears is dangerous

Truth: Popping your ears is rarely dangerous

While you can have problems with your Eustachian tubes - the part of your ear that "pops" - rarely is the act of popping them the problem.

So what are some of the problems you might encounter with your Eustachian tubes?

One is blocked Eustachian tubes. The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear cavity with the throat, aerating the middle ear when you swallow and draining mucous and secretions from the middle ear into the throat. Often a cold or sinus infection will cause the Eustachian tube membranes to swell. When this happens the Eustachian tube is not able to function, causing pressure and stuffiness in your head. Your
hearing may feel diminished, and fluid may accumulate in the middle ear.

Another potential problem is abnormally open (patulous) Eustachian tubes. This is an uncommon cause of ear stuffiness and usually occurs when someone loses weight. When your Eustachian tube is open it can cause the sensation that your voice is loud or has an echo (autophony), like you are inside a drum. It may also cause a sensation of hearing air "whoosh" when you breathe through your nose.

So how can you tell if you have blocked or open Eustachian tubes?

Pinch your nostrils closed and blow hard against them. If you cannot "pop" your ears, your Eustachian tubes are likely blocked by swelling of the mucus membranes. However, if you suddenly feel pressure relief you've probably just opened your Eustachian tubes and equalized the middle ear pressure with ambient air pressure.

This maneuver can be performed many times throughout the day to relieve blocked Eustachian tubes. There is no danger of harming your ears with this technique, but if you get dizzy you should see your ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor.

To diagnose open Eustachian tubes, sit down and bend forward completely at the waist, putting
your head between your legs. If the pressure and stuffiness in your ear disappears you have open Eustachian tubes. Lying flat in bed will relieve the symptoms of open Eustachian tubes.

If popping your ears, bending forward from a seated position, or lying down do not relieve your ear pressure, your problem may be due to increased inner ear pressure and should be evaluated by an ear specialist.

If you have blocked Eustachian tubes over-the-counter medications such as decongestant nasal sprays can help shrink the membranes, relieving pressure in the ears. Flying in an airplane, skin diving, or
scuba diving should be avoided if there is blockage of the Eustachian tube, as landing or descending in the water will result in severe pain in the ears. If you must fly, taking Afrin® nasal spray (two sprays to each nostril) and a 30mg Sudafed® tablet one hour before descending. This will help open your Eustachian tubes, helping prevent ear pain. If symptoms persist, you should contact your ENT doctor.

Depending on the cause of your open Eustachian tube, your ENT doctor may recommend several different treatments. Treatments for increased inner ear pressure include prescribing diuretics or office surgery to deliver steroids to the inner ear.

Myth: Loud noises won't hurt me because I'm young

Truth: Loud noises can damage anyone's hearing, no matter their age

Damage to the ear can occur from exposure to loud noises like guns fire near the ear, industrial sounds, lawn and construction equipment, and music played too loud - especially via headphones.

But how do you know if you have hearing damage? If you experience ringing, stuffiness, or hearing loss after noise exposure, damage to the delicate cells of the cochlea has probably occurred.

Unfortunately, most hearing damage is permanent, so the best treatment is prevention. Ear protection should be worn in any noisy situation:

o loud work environments

o when using power tools and noisy yard equipment

o during firearm use

o when riding a motorcycle

o when exposed to loud music at concerts

But hearing protection doesn't have to be bulky or ugly. Today's ear plugs are practically invisible, and ear muffs can blend in if worn in the winter. Custom molded ear plugs are also available to ensure
an optimal fit in the ear canal. Additionally, some personal listening devices have volume limits, preventing excess noise exposure.

The good news is that for some cases a short course of steroids may reverse acute hearing damage.

Myth: There is no treatment for tinnitus; I just have to live with it

Truth: Many treatments can help tinnitus sufferers

Tinnitus is a very common hearing-related complaint - upwards of 50 million American adults have some degree of the hearing disorder. Tinnitus occurs as the little hair cells in the cochlea die, causing noise or ringing in the ear.

Although this ringing is not a serious problem, people experiencing it should be evaluated by an ENT doctor because it can indicate a more serious medical problem. When you are evaluated for tinnitus, your physician will perform special tests to determine the cause and recommend treatment if necessary.

So, what kinds of treatments are available for those with tinnitus? Currently several treatment options exist, including

o Masking tinnitus with outside noise such as Otitisor TV. If the tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss, a hearing aid can increase outside noise, reducing the intensity of tinnitus.

o Low-salt diet.

o Electrical stimulation.

o Stress reduction.

o Bio feedback.

o Zinc, Ginkgo, garlic pills, and supplements including high level antioxidants.

o Brain retraining, in which a therapist works with you to train your brain not to hear the tinnitus.

Also, knowing that tinnitus is not a life-threatening problem may help you cope.

Myth: My parents went deaf, so I am bound to go deaf, too

Truth: Heredity is a factor in hearing loss, but not a certainty

Hearing loss is a combination of many factors: exposure to loud sounds, general health, heredity, and age. We are genetic products of our family, and hearing loss is no exception. And as we age, the tiny hair cells in the cochlea that lie closest to the middle ear begin to die, resulting in a high-tone hearing loss. But no one factor plays a more influential role than the others, so no one is "doomed to deafness."

Normally a gradual process, hearing loss can occur quite suddenly - even overnight. If you suddenly notice that you can't hear out of one ear, it is a medical emergency. Put the phone up to your ear; if you can't hear the dial tone, see an ENT specialist as soon as possible. Hopefully it is just ear wax blocking the ear canal, but you need to visit an ENT to find out for sure.

Signs of more gradual hearing loss include

o Needing to turn the TV or radio turned up louder than other family members

o Asking people to repeat themselves all the time

o Your spouse says you don't listen to him or her

o Sounds muffled, or distant

o You have trouble hearing from a cellular telephone

While hearing loss is certainly disappointing and inconvenient, it can be treated. Examination by an ENT doctor is necessary to make the correct diagnosis. This usually includes a hearing test and other special ear tests.

Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin. Treatment for sudden deafness is done with steroids either taken orally or placed directly into the ear. Additionally, a hearing device may be needed.

Treatment for the more common, progressive hearing loss that can reduce symptoms and effects includes a four-part program of healthy life style changes, including

o At least 30 minutes of daily exercise,

o Vitamin and mineral supplements,

o A healthy diet of veggies, fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meat, and

o Protection from excessive noise exposure.

Myth: There is no treatment for deafness in one ear

Truth: Two successful treatments exist for hearing loss in just one ear

There are two hearing devices that allow a person to hear from a deaf earCROS and BAHA.

CROS (Contra Lateral Routing of Signals) or Bi-CROS is a hearing aid that uses microphones to pick up sound from the deaf ear and transmit it to the hearing ear. As a result, the CROS aid allows sound to be heard from all directions, and even allows a telephone to be used in the deaf ear.

BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid), or bone stimulator, picks up sound from the deaf ear and transmits it through the skull to the hearing ear. Minor surgery is required to implant a titanium screw behind the ear, serving as an anchor for the external processor, which holds the device. The results are excellent.